Xmas 2023

Stunning xmas dinner for 236

Over 60 attendee’s and raised over 350£ for Dementia UK charity…

Food was excellent, as always
Good company and lot of laughs.

A good night, and a Raising

Tonight we saw the raising to 3rd degree of Lee Dodds
Its was a good night and ritual was performed well, with many Brothers taking a share.

We had a few visitors, but for us, it was a quiet one….though we still have a wonderful atmosphere and a lot of laughs.

Festive board was excellent as usual, consisting of quiche, breaded salmon and home-made apricot tart with custard.

We were challenged by some of the visitors to organise a rowing team and go visit them to take part in their regatta…. we may just sort something 😀

March 20th – Raising

Very busy night, we had over 40 attendee’s many of whom were visitors All officers did a marvellous job, and visitors enjoyed the evening. As the person being raised is also connected to the Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Assoc, so it was good to have some members of the Widows Sons turn up, and bring Hiram the teddy mascot. This was the last night for our current caterer and we thank them for all they have done.

Jan – Installation

We had many visitors for the Installation of Andrew McCloud.
This is Andrew’s fourth time in the chair, and Installation went well and all the Brethren and Visitors had an enjoyable evening.

The lodge looks forward to our next year, and we have many initiates waiting to join us, as well as quiet a few seconds and thirds to perform this year.

2023 will be the first year the lodge will be closed July/Aug for recess…236 is a very busy and active lodge, who encourages its members, at all levels, to get involved.
We hope that any visitors this web site will take interest, and either come visit us for a lodge night, or just to open the door for joining and finding out more about us and Freemasonry in general.

2022 has been a whirlwind of a year, and we thank the Immediate Past Master for his tireless work in bringing 236 to a great foundation for the next.
With a new Director of Ceremonies in place, and a new Assistant Director of Ceremonies too, the new WM and all the Brethren of the lodge will be very busy for the coming year.

Festive board was mozzarella and tomato tart, roast chicken with veg and stuffing, and chocolate brownie mouse with home made brownies.

December Domestic

Dec is domestic meeting, no visitors.
Votes were balloted for various agenda items for the coming year.

Jan is installation of new WM and will be a busy day/night.

York open buildings

It was a pleasure for the lodge to take part in the open buildings Sat/Sun 15/16Oct.
We had a few thousand visitors asking the brethren of both 236 and Albert Victor lodge many questions.

We hope some might become members too….and we hope many learnt something

We were featured in both The Guardian and York mix..which you can read for yourselves here –

2nd Degree – Rohan Lewis

Sept ritual was for the passing of Rohan Lewis
Rohan will be leaving the lodge after xmas as he begins his training with the Royal Navy.

It was a pleasure to see him passed to FC and we hope he will return either for his mother lodge to raise him, or he returns to us as a MM.

Lovely night and ritual was performed well.

2nd Degree – John Bardwell

We had a very good ceremony, despite a few getting ill at last minute.
John Bardwell was passed to his 2nd Degree with 9 visitors from 6 lodges in attendance.

Festive board was prawn cocktail, white fish with veg followed by home made cookies with cream and fruit.

The lodge was very hot, as UK is in a heatwave, but we managed to have a great night.

2nd Degree – Lee Dodds

A good turnout of members and 6 visitors for Lee’s passing

Visitors from
Concord 172
Eboracum 1611
Mitre 7321
Cockburn 5362

Festive board was prawn cocktail, quiche with roast veg and one of the best deserts Ive had (but no idea what it was) 😀